Welcome! We're glad you found us. This is a class blog for Women in Performance: Choreographies of Resistance (WMST/DNCE 323) at California State University San Marcos. Throughout the semester we will be focusing on a range of topics with an emphasis on movement and feminism. "[We take on] multiple perspectives of women who have resisted cultural norms to forge new and brave perspectives on the body". This blog will help the students to create an exploration of the course material in relation to real world connections and experiences. Please feel free to take a look around, post questions, or comments. We hope you enjoy our findings and learn something new in the process.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


by: Marlene Marin

No more for women walking in the dark being afraid that they will be assaulted or worse raped. No more to women being afraid of taking an elevator. No more to women always having to be watching their backs and their surroundings, no more to women being afraid that they can be assaulted at any hour, any time, any day, no more to violence against women! In 2005 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner that is 3 women a day for a year. “According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4 Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury” (NOW 2012). “According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006” (NOW 2012). That’s over 600 women a day! Women who are targeted the most are minorities, low income, young women. Women under the age of 24 suffer the most from rape. I was honestly happy that we had the opportunity to have a workshop about the Rape Awareness Defense course; I truly believe that this course can make the difference between life and death. If you know the proper skills to defend yourself and escape from an aggressor you are more likely to be a survivor. I have taken this course and I always encourage people to take this course, I will be taking my sister to take the course because I want her to know what to do if she ever were to be put in a situation like that. It is not only to protect you against unknown aggressors but it can also work to protect yourself from a boyfriend or a date. The RAD course I believe is a course that empowers women to stand up for their life and shows them exactly how to do it with easy to do techniques. Also having the chance to put everything you have learned into action. With this we say no to violence against women and rape!


  1. Wow, I did not know that many women are killed every year by their partners. It's scary to think that someone you love could potentially kill you. The statics for rape against women are insane. I never thought that it was that it would be that many women. I definitely agree with you that the RAD course empowers women; I actually want my 16 year old sister to partake in it. Thank you for sharing your post Marlene.

  2. I have to agree with you Marlene, I was happy that we had the opprtunity to have this workshop in class. When I have late night classes i'm scared walking to my car alone. I look around constantly and walk as fast as I can to my car. I also have my cell phone on speed dial to call for help if anything. I don't feel safe and I hate feeling this way. After this workshop I still feel scared but, I feel more secure that if there was a case in which I was attacked I am able to defend myself and at least try to get away. I know this was just a little portion of what the RAAD course is about but, it was very informative. I am planning to take this course in the near future. - Yussett Navarrete

  3. I agree with your statements about how beneficial the RAD program is. I was thinking I wanted to take my sister as well. I learned quite a few moves and information that I did not know. It is unfortunate that women not only have to worry about random strangers but also like a boyfriend or date, like you had mentioned.

    1. I agree immensely, being a woman and being afraid to walk alone during the night. Even in my condo complex when I walk from my car to my front door I constantly look behind me. It is scary to be a woman in today’s world when one in four women are raped on college campuses. I live close to campus and many reports suggest that the most date rapes occur on college campuses nationwide. We are going to take back the night! I did this last year and it felt liberating to march and take back the night.
