Welcome! We're glad you found us. This is a class blog for Women in Performance: Choreographies of Resistance (WMST/DNCE 323) at California State University San Marcos. Throughout the semester we will be focusing on a range of topics with an emphasis on movement and feminism. "[We take on] multiple perspectives of women who have resisted cultural norms to forge new and brave perspectives on the body". This blog will help the students to create an exploration of the course material in relation to real world connections and experiences. Please feel free to take a look around, post questions, or comments. We hope you enjoy our findings and learn something new in the process.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


by: Megan MacDonald

I don’t understand it. RACCCC-IIII-SSSSM. I try to sound it out with my mouth but it doesn’t make sense to me. When I see someone I see him or her as a human being, Not man or woman. Not black or brown or white. When I see someone I see him or her for the person I see portrayed through his or her actions. Color has never mattered to me. If someone has a positive outlook and a driven sense of accomplishment they are more than qualified to be my friend. I love every single person for the good qualities in them; if you consciously look for the good in people you will never be disappointed. When others allow racism and anti feminist philosophy to encourage the way they live their lives is when I know they are not fighting for what is right but what is known and of popular belief. When I am confronted with people of this nature I try to be as neutral as I can, however as a an independent accomplished, feminist woman it is hard for me to look back at the actions of these individuals and not argue. When judgment becomes based on color of skin instead of content of character is when I stop listening to mainstream media who views the value of an individual based on color and appearance instead of intelligence and talent. 


  1. I completely agree with you. I don't see someone's race when I look at people, I see them for who they are. I really love what you said about "if you consciously look for the good in people you will never be disappointed." I can relate to that because I always try to see the best in people and accept them for who they are, not who I can make them be. I hope that one day our society will be done with all of it's stereotypes and prejudices towards people of different races. I wish people would love each other and value each other for who they are, not what they look like.

    -Brenna Norris

  2. Patrisha Wright

    I agree with you, racism turns me off. Corporate media seeks to divide the people rather than unite them. It irritates me when I see white people in all the commercials, and then when black people are shown their features are white-washed. The people that send out these messages are primarily run by white elitists. Our generation is able to co-exist with all races. I dislike the term races; it's strange that people identify themselves as different races based on physical characteristics and origin of birth when we are only one race: the human race. We as a people sub-divide ourselves by judging which people is superior.

    -Patrisha Wright

  3. I agree with you completely, I might sound a little off when making my next point so I will start by saying I am not a confused black women. I hate racism and I do not see how people can still be racist. I also judge people based on their actions and how they treat people. It's gotten to the point were I do not even recognize race. I forget that my skin is brown and my best friend is asian. I forget anything and everything that has to do with race. I am not suppressing it, I just view it as important, it has no rule over my view of anything. The only time I acknowledge race is when someone brings it up. Now with that said I agree with you. When you said, "When judgment becomes based on color of skin instead of content of character" it reminds me of the Treyvon Martin case. The only reason the case is so absurd is because he is BLACK!! I hate how the media tried to discredit him but bringing up his pot felony, REALLY! HE WAS THE ONE THAT WAS KILLED!!! ARgh! but that is the world we live in.

    Malynn Robinson

  4. Totally agree. I find it disgusting how people cannot get along with each other based on the color of their skin. I also like to point out why is that when we hear the word racism we automatically think of the action being towards men and women of color when in fact many times it can be toward the white race. Thanks to history people have this instaneous thought of judgement when we should all learn to get along and make peace with one another and yes you're right the mainstream media doesn't help the situation, but does it ever?
    -Starr Torres
